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  • Difficulty:                      Normal

  • Debuffs:                        Slowness, stun

  • Locations:                     Royal Tomb, Island of Falling                                             Leaves

​The Griffon can be found in the boss room of the Royal Tomb. He uses primarily magic attacks during the fight. His debuffs are pretty annoying but can be avoided.

The following items can be dropped (depeding on the level of the boss):






Token of Eagle Lion
Griffon (Lvl. 30+), Griffon of the Golden Season
Hard Feather
Griffon of Golden Season
Blueprint of Laser Sight II
Griffon (Lvl. 30+)
Golden Season's
Feather, Talon, Greif-Seufzer II, Wirbelwind II, Chest Loot
[MATK +20] [Magical Critical Damage Rate +3%] [Magical Critical Chance +3%] [Price Rate +3%]
Griffon of Golden Season (Lvl. -59), Generated Chest, Gacha
Golden Sky's
Feather, Talon, Griffin Feather, Griffin Wings, Greif-Seufzer IV, Wirbelwind IV
[MATK +60] [Magical Critical Damage Rate +10%] [Magical Critical Chance +10%] [Price Rate +10%]
Griffon of Golden Season (Lvl. 90+)
Golden Wind's
Feather, Griffin Feather, Talon, Griffin Wings, Greif-Seufzer III, Wirbelwind III
[MATK +35] [Magical Critical Damage Rate +7%] [Magical Critical Chance +7%] [Price Rate +7%]
Griffon of Golden Season (Lvl. 60-89)
Griffon Feather, Feather, Talon, Greif-Seufzer I, Greif-Seufzer II, Greif-Seufzer III, Greif-Seufzer IV, Wirbelwind I, Wirbelwind II, Wirbelwind III, Wirbelwind IV, Griffon Wings, Poop, Chest Loot
[Max Mana +10] [Max Mana +5%] [Movement Speed +5%] [Price Rate +10%]
Griffon (Lvl. varies), Generated Chest, Gacha
The Blue Sky's
Feather, Talon, Greif-Seufzer II, Wirbelwind II
[MATK +3%] [Max Mana +6] [Mana Consume Rate -2%] [ASPD +2%]
Griffon (Lvl. 30-59), Generated Chest, Gacha
The Enormous Sky's
Talon, Griffon Feather, Feather, Greif-Seufzer III, Wirbelwind III, Griffon Wings
[MATK +5%] [Max Mana +10] [Mana Consume Rate -3%] [ASPD +3%]
Griffon (Lvl. 60-89)
The Never Ending Sky's
Feather, Griffin Feather, Talon, Greif-Seufzer IV, Wirbelwind IV, Griffin Wings
[MATK +15%] [Max Mana +20] [Mana Consume Rate -5%] [ASPD +5%]
Griffon (Lvl. 90+)
The Protector of the Gold's
Feather, Griffin Feather, Talon, Greif-Seufzer II, Greif-Seufzer III, Greif-Seufzer IV, Wirbelwind II, Wirbelwind III, Wirbelwind IV, Griffin Wings, Poop
[DEF +5%] [MATK +10%] [Mana Regeneration +10%] [Price rate +1.000%]
Griffon (Lvl. varies), Griffon of the Golden Season (Lvl. varies)
Greif-Seufzer II, Greif-Seufzer III, Greif-Seufzer IV, Wirbelwind II, Wirbelwind III, Wirbelwind IV
[MATK +50] [Magical Critical Damage Rate +20%] [Mana Regeneration +20%] [Magical Critical Chance +20%] Magic Tier.3 Lv.1 Wisdom
Griffon of the Golden Season


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