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  • Bosses:      Ancient Golem, King                              Mono, Lizard Executioner,


The Dungeon of Island was the first dungeon of Craftopia. It's a linear dungeon with 2 normal rooms and 1 boss room. Mostly the enemies are goblins, skeletons, monos, or lizards. The amount of chests that can be found is at least 8. There are also a lot of barrels and boxes which contain ingredients such as pepper, salt, vinegar, and oil. There's a destructible wall behind the portal, so make sure to loot that chest as well. As in every other dungeon, one obtains a slate of growth in the room after the boss room.



  • Bosses:      Griffon, Gunslinger, Stone                      Golem

The Royal Tomb is a dungeon designed in an Egyptian style. It is the only dungeon with an intermediate boss, the stone golem. Mostly the enemies are lizards, crocodiles, skeletons, or werewolves. The amount of chests that can be found is at least 7. The Royal Tomb is less linear than the dungeon of island and as in every other dungeon one obtains a slate of growth at the end.



  • Bosses:      None​

The Trial Dungeon is entertaining and easy in Craftopia. From Trial of Ball kicking, Trial of Climbing, Trial of Speed, Trial of Parkour to Trial of Aiming, this dungeon tests the basic skills. It's a simple dungeon to farm slate of growths, which will be obtained as always at the end of the dungeon. Unfortunately, you can't take the Hoverboards at the Trial of Speed with you anymore.



  • Bosses:      Ancient Golem, Tyrant                           Snake​

The Abandoned Mineshaft contains rare minerals. Most of them can only be found there for example "bauxite" or "rare metals". It's currently the biggest dungeon in the game. Although it's only a dungeon for mining there's a boss room and some enemies are scattered over the map. As always one obtains a slate of growth at the end of the dungeon.




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