Bosses: Ancient Golem, King Mono, Lizard Executioner,
The Dungeon of Island was the first dungeon of Craftopia. It's a linear dungeon with 2 normal rooms and 1 boss room. Mostly the enemies are goblins, skeletons, monos or lizards. The amount of chests that can be found is at least 8. There are also a lot of barrels and boxes which contain ingredients such as pepper, salt, vinegar and oil. There's a destructible wall behind the portal, so make sure to loot that chest as well. As in every other dungeon one obtains a slate of growth in the room after the boss room.
On this page, you will find every enchantment and its attributes in Craftopia (Game Version 20220608.1500). For the completion of this list, information of the Official Japanese Craftopia Wiki was used.
Keep in mind, that this list might not be up to date.
The enchantment list was last updated on: 26.06.2022
12-hours-working | Chest Loot | [Max Satiety -10%] [Stamina Consume Rate -2%] [Stamina Regeneration +5%] [Mana Regeneration -50%] | Generated Chest, Gacha |
24-hours-working | Chest Loot | [DEF -15%] [Max Satiety -25%] [Stamina Consume Rate -5%] [Stamina Regeneration +10%] [Mana Regeneration -100%] | Generated Chest, Gacha |
8-hours-working | Chest Loot | [Stamina Consume Rate -2%] [Stamina Regeneration +2%] | Generated Chest, Gacha |
Absorbing | Leather, Fang, Poop, Chest Loot | [Max Mana +2%] [Max Mana Regeneration +2%] | Bat (Lvl. 60-89), Generated Chest, Gacha |
Adolescent | Feather, Ash, Poop, Chest Loot | [Max Stamina +15%] [Satiety Consume Rate +5%] | Phoechick (Lvl. 90+), Generated Chest, Gacha |
Advanced Endurance Trial's | Egg, Poop | [Max Life -90%] | Dark Anubis (Lvl. 60-89) |
Advanced Guard Trial's | Egg, Poop | [DEF -90%] | Dark Anubis (Lvl. 60-89) |
Adventurer's | Iron, Platinum, Gold, Titanium, Iron One-Handed Sword | (Applied only to accessories) Basics Tier.2 Lv.1 Collector | Ancient Golem (Lvl. varies) |
Affectionate | Handmade Bento | (Applied only to consumables) [Effect Rate: +20%] [Restore Life: 50] [Restore Mana: 50] [Restore Satiety: 50] | Receptionist Fan (Pet) |
Age-Long | Bone, Iron, Obsidian, Fang, Bone Dragon's Shield III, Bone Lizard's Shield III, Chest Loot | (Applied only to shields)
[DEF +2] [Stamina Consume Rate -1%] [ATK increases by +30% of DEF] [MATK increases by +30% of DEF] | Bone Dragon (Lvl.60-90) |
Alexandria's | Egg, Poop | [ATK +5] [Price Rate +10%] | Alexandria |
Alligator Turtle's | Shell, Animal Flesh, Talon | [ATK +5] [Movement Speed -2%] [ATK increases by +5% of DEF] | Alligator Turtle |
Almond-scented | Various | [Max Life -10%] [Physical Critical Damage Rate +20%] (Applied only to consumables) [Life Damage: 1000] | Skill "Contamination" |
Ambergris-ish | Various | [Max Mana +10%] [Mana Consume Rate +5%] [Mana Regeneration +10%] [Price Rate +300%] | Skill "Contamination" |
Ancient | Iron, Silver, Platinum, Poop, Chest Loot | [MATK +10] [MATK +5%]
[Max Mana +40 | Ancient Golem, Generated Chest, Gacha |
Ancient (2) | Horn, Fang, Bone, Platinum, Iron, Bone Dragon's Shield II, Bone Lizard's Shield II, Chest Loot | [DEF +2] [Max Life +3%] [ATK increases by +10% of DEF] [MATK increases by +10% of DEF] | Bone Dragon (Lvl. 30-60), Generated Chest, Gacha |
Angry | Egg, Feather, Straw | (Applied only to accessories) [Pet's ATK +5%] [Pet's Critical Damage Rate +5%] | Hell chicken |
Anubis's | Egg, Poop, Chest Loot | [ATK +10] [Max Mana +5] [Max Life +10] [Price Rate +10%] | Anubis, Generated Chest, Gacha |
Assisting Group | Fang, Leather | [Max Mana -4%] [Physical Critical Damage Rate +11%] | Werewolf (drops from individual pets only) |
Autumn Breeze's | Bone, Log, Stone, Pumpkin Crumb | [Max Satiety +10] [Satiety Consume Rate -5%] | Tree on Island of Fallen Leaves, Pumpkin, Gravestone |
Axe's | Leather, Talon, Fang | [Physical Critical Damage Rate +20%] [Physical Critical Chance -10%] [ASPD -10%] | Lizard |
Bard's | Corn Seed, Chest Loot | [Movement Speed +5%] [Air Movement Speed +10%] [ASPD +10%] | Goblin Bard, Generated Chest |
Bat's | Fang, Leather, Poop | [Max Mana +10] | Bat |
Bear's | Leather, Talon, Fang, Animal Flesh, Poop | [ATK +15] [DEF +2] [ASPD +5%] | Bear, Generated Chest, Gacha |
Beheading | Leather, Talon, Fang, Executioner II | [ATK +20] [ATK +7%] [Physical Critical Damage Rate -1%] [ASPD -1%] | Lizard Executioner (Lvl. 60-89) |
Beserker's | Chest Loot | [Physical Critical Damage Rate +25%] [Stamina Consume Rate +30%] [Mana Consume Rate +50%] [Skill Cooldown +50%] [Physical Critical Chance +35%] | Generated Chest, Gacha |
Biting | Shell, Talon, Animal Flesh, Poop | [Max Life +1%] [Satiety Consume Rate +1%] [Physical Critical Chance +3%] | Alligator Turtle (Lvl. 30-59) |
Black-tailed gull's | Feather, Egg, Poop, Chest Loot | [ATK +5] | Black-tailed Gull, Generated Chest, Gacha |
Blazing Sun's | Mushroom, Elemental Dust, Seed Paddy, Heart Core of Ice Crystal | [Mana Regeneration +10%] [Skill Cooldown -3%] [Magical Critical Chance +3%] | Goblin Cardinal (Lvl. 60-89) |
Bloodsucking | Fang, Leather, Poop | [Max Mana +1%] [Mana Regeneration +1%] | Bat (Lvl. 30-59), Generated Chest, Gacha |
Blooming | Log, Straw, Petal of Fleur, Chest Loot | [Max Life +5%] [Life Restore Rate with Skills +10%] | Fleur (Lvl. 60-89), Generated Chest, Gacha |
Blossoming | Petal of Fleur, Log, Straw, Chest Loot | [Max Life +10%] [Life Restore Rate with Skills +20%] | Fleur, Generated Chest, Gacha |
Blue | Bone, Glass, Grim Reaper II | [MATK +30] [MATK +5%] [Mana Consume Rate -5%] [Mana Regeneration +5%] | Messenger of the gods (Lvl. 30-59), Generated Chest, Gacha |
Boar's | Leather, Fang, Animal Flesh, Chest Loot | (Applied only to consumables) [Restore Mana: 5] [Restore Satiety: 5] | Boar, Generated Chest, Gacha |
Bombarding | Bolt, Black Powder, Gear, Barrel | [Stamina Consume Rate +5%] [ASPD +10%] | Machine Gun Turret (Lvl. 90+) |
Bone Dragon's | Bone Lizard's Shield I, Bone Lizard's Shield II, Bone Lizard's Shield III, Bone Lizard's Shield IV, Bone Dragon's Shield I, Bone Dragon's Shield II, Bone Dragon's Shield III, Bone Dragon's Shield IV, Horn, Fang, Bone, Titanium, Platinum, Obsidian Adamantite, Iron, Chest Loot | [DEF +10] [Max Stamina +5%] [Price Rate +20%] | Bone Dragon (Lvl. varies), Generated Chest, Gacha |
Booting | Feather, Talon, Egg, Poop | [ATK +2%] [Stamina Regeneration +3%] [Physical Critical Chance +2%] | Cassowary (Lvl. 30-59), Generated Chest, Gacha |
Bouncer's | Hard Leather, Black Powder, Western Hat | [ATK +15] [ATK +5%] [DEF -20%] [Physical Critical Damage Rate +15%] | Gunslinger (Lvl. 90+) |
Bouncing | Fish, Chest Loot | [MATK +20] [MATK +5%] [ASPD +10%] (Applied only to consumables)[Restore Life:150] [Mana Damage:50] [Restore Satiety:25] | Fishing, Generated Chest, Gacha |
Bounty Hunter's | Black Gunpowder, Hard Leather, Western Hat | [ATK +10] [ATK +5%] [DEF -15%] [Physical Critical Damage Rate +10%] | Gunslinger (Lvl. 60-89) |
Brainwashing | Fang, Hard Leather, Diamond | [ATK +40] [ATK +7%] [DEF -7] | Lizard Guillotine (Lvl. 60-89) |
Budding | Straw, Log, Petal of Fleur, Chest Loot | [Max Life +2%] [Life Restore Rate with Skills +5%] | Fleur (Lvl. 30-59), Generated Chest, Gacha |
Buffalo's | Leather, Bone, Horn, Animal Flesh, Poop | [Movement Speed +5%] | Buffalo, Generated Chest, Gacha |
Burning | Platinum, Amber, Hard Leather, Cotton Canvas | (Unstackable) [Stamina Regeneration -7%] [Item Cooldown +7%] [Life Restore Rate with Skills -7%] [Increase Damage Dealt +10%] | Fafnir |
Burnt | Chest Loot | (Applied only to consumables) [Restore Life: 1] | Generated Chest, Gacha |
Camel's | Bone, Leather, Animal Flesh, Chest Loot | [Max Mana +15] [Max Satiety +10] | Camel, Generated Chest, Gacha |
Capricious | Chest Loot | [ATK -100] [ATK -300%] [Physical Critical Damage Rate +200%] | Generated Chest, Gacha |
Cardinal's | Seed Paddy, Mushroom, Elemental Dust, Heart Core of Ice Crystal | [ATK -10%] [MATK +10%] | Goblin Cardinal |
Cassowary's | Feather, Talon, Egg, Poop, Chest Loot | [ATK +15] (Applied only to consumables) [Restore Life: 20] | Cassowary, Generated Chest, Cacha |
Celestial | Mushroom, Seed Paddy, Elemental Dust, Heart Core of Ice Crystal | [Mana Regeneration +20%] [Skill Cooldown -5%] [Magical Critical Chance +5%] | Goblin Cardinal (Lvl. 90+) |
Chicken's | Feather, Poop, Egg | [DEF -5] [DEF -20%] [Max Stamina +20%] | Chicken, Generated Chest, Gacha |
Christmas | Leather, Poop, Bone, Stew, Gift Box, Orange Cake | (Applied only to consumables) [Effect Rate: +30%] | Reindeer |
Clairvoyant | Bone, Fang | [DEF -5] [MATK +20] [Magical Critical Chance +10%] | Cyclops (Lvl. 90+) |
Clumsy | Various | [Mana Consume Rate +5%] [Skill Cooldown -8%] [Item Cooldown -8%] | Skill "Contamination" |
Cold-blooded | Chest Loot | [ATK +6%] [Max Mana -10%] | Generated Chest, Gacha |
Commanding Group | Fang, Leather | [Max Mana -8%] [Physical Critical Damage Rate +22%] | Wereworlf (Pet) |
Common | [Price Rate +10%] (Applied only to consumables) [Effect Rate: +10%] | ||
Conciliating | Fang, Leather, Steel | [ATK +30] [ATK +5%] [DEF -10] | Lizard Guillotine (Lvl. -59) |
Constantly Changing | Bone, Leather, Rare Metals, Obsidian, Fragment of the Cross | (Unstackable) [Stamina Regeneration +20%] [Increase Damage Dealt +7%] [Increase Unarmed Damage Dealt +10%] Basics Tier.5 Lv.3 Endurance | Giant Worm |
Cow's | Animal Flesh, Milk, Sulfur, Black Powder, Poop | (Applied only to consumables) [Restore Life: 5] | Cow, Bomb Cow, Cow (Pet), Generated Chest, Gacha |
Cracked | Chest Loot | [ATK -10%] [DEF -10%] [Price Rate -20 %] | Generated Chest, Gacha |
Crescent Moon | Fang, Talon, Leather, Egg, Poop | [Max Stamina -15] [Physical Critical Damage Rate +2%] [Physical Critical Chance +5%] | Werewolf (Lvl. 30-59) |
Crimson | Iron, Gold, Titanium, Platinum, Diamond, Rare Metals, Flameberge, Poop, Chest Loot | [ATK +10%] [MATK +10%] [Max Satiety +10] [Max Stamina +20] | Dragon (Lvl. varies), Generated Chest, Gacha |
Crimson-Eyes | Leather, Talon, Fang, Executioner II, Poop | [ATK +18] [DEF +15] [Max Life +7%] [Max Satiety +7%] [Max Stamina +7%] |
Lizard Executioner (Lvl. 60-89) |
Crocodile's | Leather, Fang, Animal Flesh, Iron | (Applied only to consumables) [Restore Life: 20] [Restore Satiety: 8] | Crocodile, Generated Chest, Gacha |
Cruel | Bone, Fang, Poisonous Fang of Tyrant Snake | [Physical Critical Damage Rate +10%] [ASPD +5%] [ATK +10] [Physical Critical Damage Rate +5%] | Tyrant Snake |
Crunching | Shell, Talon, Animal Flesh, Poop | [Max Life +2%] [Satiety Consume Rate +2%] [Physical Critical Chance +5%] | Alligator Turtle (Lvl. 60-89) |
Crunching | Shell, Animal Flesh | [Max Life +2%] [Satiety Consume Rate +2%] [Physical Critical Chance +5%] | Alligator Turtle |
Crystalized | Rare Metals, Fragment of the cross, Helmet Debris, Blueprint of the Dark Rosary, Blueprint of the Light Rosary | [Increase Damage Dealt +3%] [Price Rate +30%] | Giant Worm |
Cursed by Wealth | Fafnir's Reverse Scale, Platinum, Diamond, Amber, Linen Wool, Cotton Canvas, Black Powder | (Applied only to weapon slots) (Unstackable) [DEF -5%] [MATK +15%] [Magical Critical Damage Rate +25%] Living Tier.1 Lv.1 Money | Fafnir |
Cyclops's | Bone, Fang, Poop | [Max Life +10%] [Mana Regeneration +10%] | Cyclops |
Dangerous | Leather, Iron, Fang, Animal Flesh, Poop | [ATK +15] [ATK +10%] [DEF -5] [Physical Critical Damage Rate +15%] [Physical Critical Chance +10%] | Crocodile |
Dark Haired | Horn, Leather, Animal Flesh | [ATK +25] (Applied only to consumables) [Restore Satiety: 6] | Wagyu Cow |
Dark Side of Flock | Fang, Leather, Hard Leather, Steel, Obsidian, Diamond | (Unstackable) [ATK +150] [DEF -5] | Lizard Guillotine (Lvl. varies) |
Dawn's | Mushroom, Elemental Dust, Seed Paddy, Heart Core of Ice Crystal | [Mana Regeneration +5%] [Skill Cooldown -1%] [Magical Critical Chance +1%] | Goblin Cardinal (Lvl. 30-59) |
Deadland's | Diamond, Obsidian, Rare Metals, Hydra's Reversed Scale, Polluted Reversed Scale | [MATK +15%] [Magical Critical Chance +10%] | Hydra (Lvl. 90+) |
Deadly | Chest Loot | [ATK +10%] [MATK +10%] [Max Life -30%] | Generated Chest, Gacha |
Death-or-Glory | Chest Loot | [Physical Critical Damage Rate +12%] [Stamina Consume Rate +15%] [Mana Consume Rate +25%] [Skill Cooldown +25%] [Physical Critical Chance +17%] | Generated Chest, Gacha |
Deep Sea's | Sand, Bone, Seaweed, Shellfish, Shrimp, Tuna | [MATK +4] [MATK +4%] [Mana Consume Rate -4%] [Skill Cooldown -5%] | Swimming in Ocean with Skill "Diver" |
Deer's | Bone, Leather, Horn, Animal Flesh, Poop, Chest Loot | [Max Life +40] | Deer, Generated Chest, Gacha |
Demersal Resident's | Shellfish, Shell, Fish Fillet | [DEF +6] [MATK +30] [Mana Consume Rate -6%] | Kraken (Lvl. 90+) |
Demon's | Chest Loot | [ASPD +40%] | Generated Chest, Gacha |
Desperate | Black Powder, Sulfur | [MATK +75] [Magical Critical Damage Rate +5%] | Bomb Cow |
Desperate (2) | Sulfur | [MATK +75] [Magical Critical Damage Rate +5%] (Applied only to consumables) [Restore Satiety: 3] | Bomb Cow |
Destructive | Chest Loot | [ATK +20] [ATK +10%] [DEF -10%] [Max Satiety -40%] [Physical Critical Chance +15%] | Generated Chest, Gacha |
Determined | Black Powder, Sulfur | [MATK +30] [Magical Critical Damage Rate +2%] | Bomb Cow (Lvl. 30-59) |
Devouring | Bone, Fang, Poisonous Fang of Tyrant Snake, Poop | (Applied only to weapon slots) [Max Satiety +10%] [Satiety Consume Rate +10%] Trick Tier.3 Lv.1 Gluttony | Tyrant Snake (Lvl. 30+) |
Diamond | Chest Loot | [ATK +5] [DEF +5] [DEF +3%] | Generated Chest, Gacha |
Digested | Bone | [ATK -20%] [DEF -20] [MATK -20%] [Skill Cooldown -10%] | Kraken (Lvl. 30+) |
Doomed | Hard Feather, Cotton Canvas, Obsidian | (Applied only to accessories) [Max Life -9%] [Pet's ATK +13%] [Pet's Critical Chance +13%] | Pekomet (Lvl. 90+) |
Dragon's | Iron, Titanium, Platinum, Fang, Gold, Diamond, Rare Metals, Flameberge, Chest Loot | [ATK +10%] [Movement Speed +5%] [Price Rate +20%] | Dragon (Lvl. varies), Generated Chest, Gacha |
Dried | Stone, Sand, All Ores | [Max Stamina +10] | Ore or Stone in Desert Biome |
Dried (2) | Chest Loot | (Applied only to consumables) [Restore Life: 10] | Generated Chest, Gacha |
Dust's | Chest Loot | [ATK +1] | Generated Chest |
Elementary Guard Trial's | Egg, Poop | [DEF -50%] | Dark Anubis (Lvl. 1-29) |
Elephant's | Bone, Ivory, Leather, Animal Flesh, Poop | [Max Life +30] [Max Life +10%] [Movement Speed -5%] | Elephant, Generated Chest, Gacha |
Embracing Treasure | Fafnir's Reverse Scale, Platinum, Diamond, Amber, Linen Wool, Cotton Canvas, Black Powder | (Applied only to weapon slots) (UNstackable) [Max Mana +450] [Magical Critical Chance +25%] [ASPD -5%] Basics Tier.2 Lv.1 Collector | Fafnir |
Endorsing | Leather, Fang, Talon | [Physical Critical Damage Rate +30%] [ASPD -10%] [Life Restore Rate with Skills -10%] | Lizard Guillotine (Lvl. 90+) |
Eruptive | Amber, Diamond, Black Gunpowder, Linen Wool, Fafnir's Reversed Scale | (Unstackable) [Stamina Regeneration -15%] [Item Cooldown +15%] [Life Restore Rate with Skills -15%] [Increase Damage Dealt +20%] | Fafnir |
Eternal | Horn | (Applied only to shields) [DEF +10] [Stamina Consume Rate -5%] [ATK increases by +100% of DEF] [MATK increases by +100% of DEF] | Bone Dragon |
Eternal Life's | Hydra's Reversed Scale, Hydra's Polluted Scale | (Unstackable)[Max Life +99] [ATK Increases by +9% of Life] [MATK Increases by +9% of Life] (Basics Tier 2 Lv.2 Ninjitsu) | Hydra |
Exceptional | Milk | [Price Rate +100%] (Applied only to consumables) [Effect Rate: +100%] | Wagyu Cow (Pet) |
Eye Contact | Bone, Fang, Poop | [MATK +20] [Magical Critical Chance +10%] | Cyclops (Lvl. 30+) |
Fafnir's | Fafnir's Reversed Scale, Black Gunpowder, Diamond, Platinum, Amber, Hard Leather, Cotton Canvas, Poop, Chest Loot | [Movement Speed +10%] [Increase Damage Dealt +5%] [Price Rate +20%] | Fafnir, Generated Chest, Gacha |
Fake Stoicism | Fang, Straw, Cooking Oil, Corn Seed, Heart Core of Ice Crystal, Heart Core of the Fire | [Movement Speed -3%] [Air Movement Speed -3%] [ASPD +3%] | Orc Warrior (Lvl.30-59), Skeleton Captain (Lvl.30-59), Goblin Shaman (Lvl.30-59), Lizard Sword (Lvl.30-59) |
Fan's | Egg, Poop, Chest Loot | [MATK +5] [Price Rate +10%] | Receptionist Fan, Generated Chest, Gacha |
Fast-eating | Chest Loot | [Item Cooldown -10%] | Generated Chest, Gacha |
Fast-talking | Chest Loot | [Skill Cooldown -10%] | Generated Chest, Gacha, Echantment Scroll IV, Echantment Scroll V, Echantment Scroll VI |
Fenrir's | Fang, Hard Talon, Ice, Ice Crystal of Fenrir, Poop, Chest Loot | [ATK +10%] [Stamina Consume Rate -5%] [ASPD +3%] | Fenrir, Generated Chest, Gacha |
Fergus's | Egg, Poop, Chest Loot | [Physical Critical Damage Rate +5%]
[Price Rate +10 %] | Blacksmith Fergus, Generated Chest, Gacha |
Final Deadly | Chest Loot | [ATK +9] [DEF -9] [MATK +9] [Max Life -9%] [Physical Critical Chance +9%] | Generated Chest, Gacha |
Fine | Egg | [Price Rate +25%] (Applied only to consumables) [Effect Rate: +25%] | King Mono |
Fire Deceased | Hellfire Wood, Hard Wood, Log | [ATK +20] [ATK +10%] [Max Life -20%] | Tree on Island of Hell |
Fire Demon | Log, Charcoal, Chest Loot | [ATK +35] [ATK +15%] [DEF -5] [MATK -10] [Max Life -10] | Burned Tree, Generated Chest, Gacha |
Fire Dryad | Hellfire Wood | [MATK +20] [MATK +10%] [Max Mana -20%] | Tree on Island of Hell |
Fire Spirit | Log, Charcoal, Chest Loot | [DEF -5] [MATK +30] [MATK +20%] [Max Life -10] | Burned Tree, Generated Chest, Gacha |
Flameful | Dragon Scale | [Max Life +10%] [Max Mana +10%] | Dragon (Lvl. 30+) |
Fleur's | Petal of Fleur, Log, Straw, Poop | [Max Life +5%] [Mana Regeneration +5%] | Fleur, Generated Chest, Gacha |
Focused | Chest Loot | [Physical Critical Chance +10%] | Generated Chest |
Forlorn | Shell, Cactus, Animal Flesh, Poop | [DEF +2%] [Stamina Consume Rate -3%] [Stamina Regeneration -5%] [Movement Speed -2%] [Air Movement Speed -2%] | Giant Tortoise (Lvl. 30-59) |
Fountain Polluter's | Diamond, Platinum, Rare Metals, Hydra's Reverse Scale | [MATK +10%] [Magical Critical Chance +5%] | Hydra (Lvl. -89) |
Fox's | Leather, Talon, Animal Flesh | [ATK +1] [DEF +1] | Fox, Generated Chest, Gacha |
Freezing | Log, Ice, Stone, All Ores | [MATK +10] [Max Mana +20] | Tree, Ore or Stone in Snow Biome |
Fresh | Fish, Chest Loot | [Max Life +5%] (Applied only to consumables) [Restore Life: 25] [Restore Mana: 25] [Restore Satiety: 5] | Fishing, Generated Chest, Gacha |
Fried | Animal Flesh | (Applied only to consumables) [Restore Life: 15] [Restore Satiety: 7] | Animals |
Fuel Efficient | Chest Loot | [Satiety Consume Rate -10%] | Generated Chest, Gacha |
Full Moon | Fang, Talon, Leather, Egg, Poop | [Max Stamina -50] [Physical Critical Damage Rate +10%] [Physical Critical Chance +20%] | Werewolf (Lvl. 90+) |
Fully Blooming | Petal of Fleur, Straw, Log, Poop | [MATK +20] [Max Mana +10%] [Mana Consume Rate -5%] [Life Restore Rate with Skills +10%] | Fleur (Lvl. 30+) |
Generated | Small Life Potion, Bucket, Campfire, Animal Flesh, Various Materials, Various Ingredients | [Price Rate -99%] (Applied only to consumables) [Effect Rate: -25%] | Skill "Alchemic Potion", "Water Creation", "Fire Creation", "Sumptuous Feast", "Fresh Alchemy", "Native Alchemy" |
Giant Tortoise's | Shell, Cactus, Animal Flesh | [DEF +10] [Movement Speed -5%] (Applied only to consumables) [Restore Life: 20] | Giant Tortoise |
Giant's | Chest Loot | [ATK +10%] [Max Life +20%] [Max Satiety +20%] [Movement Speed -3%] [ASPD -10%] | Generated Chest, Gacha |
Gigantic | Fish | [ATK +10] [DEF +3] [Max Life +20] [Max Life +5%] (Applied only to consumables) [Restore Satiety: 50] | Fishing |
Giraffe's | Bone, Leather, Animal Flesh, Poop, Chest Loot | [MATK +15] | Giraffe, Generated Chest, Gacha |
Glimpsing | Bone, Fang, Chest Loot | [DEF -5] [MATK +10] [Magical Critical Chance +5%] | Cyclopes (Lvl. 30-59), Generated Chest, Gacha |
Glittering | Mushroom, Heart Core of Ice Crystal, Seed Paddy, Elemental Dust | (Unstackable) [Mana Consume Rate -5%] [Magical Critical Chance +10%] [MATK increases by +5% of Mana] Basics Tier.3 Lv.2 Meditation II | Goblin Cardinal (Lvl. 30+) |
Glutton | Chest Loot | [Max Satiety +50] [Max Satiety +100%] [Satiety Consume Rate +50%] | Generated Chest, Gacha |
Gnawing | Shell, Talon, Animal Flesh, Poop | [Max Life +5%] [Satiety Consume Rate +5%] [Physical Critical Chance +10%] | Alligator Turtle (Lvl. 90+) |
Gobbling | Bone, Crystal, Amber, Steel, Diamond, Obsidian | (Unstackable) [MATK +150] [MATK +20%] [Mana Consume Rate +50%] | Goblin Cardinal (Super/Master) (Lvl. varies) (Lvl. 59+) |
Goblin's | Talon, Fang, Straw, Potato Seed, Corn Seed, Bean Seed, Small Life Potion, Elemental Dust, Straw, Mushroom | [ATK +5] | Goblin (type depends) |
Goddess's | Chest Loot | [ATK +10] [Max Life +10%] [Max Mana +10%] [Max Satiety +10%] [Max Stamina +10%] | Generated Chest, Gacha |
Golden Season's | Feather, Talon, Greif-Seufzer II, Wirbelwind II, Chest Loot | [MATK +20] [Magical Critical Damage Rate +3%] [Magical Critical Chance +3%] [Price Rate +3%] | Griffon of Golden Season (Lvl. -59), Generated Chest, Gacha |
Golden Sky's | Feather, Talon, Griffin Feather, Griffin Wings, Greif-Seufzer IV, Wirbelwind IV | [MATK +60] [Magical Critical Damage Rate +10%] [Magical Critical Chance +10%] [Price Rate +10%] | Griffon of Golden Season (Lvl. 90+) |
Golden Wind's | Feather, Griffin Feather, Talon, Griffin Wings, Greif-Seufzer III, Wirbelwind III | [MATK +35] [Magical Critical Damage Rate +7%] [Magical Critical Chance +7%] [Price Rate +7%] | Griffon of Golden Season (Lvl. 60-89) |
Golem's | Stone, Iron, Silver, Gold | [DEF +3] | Stone Golem, Generated Chest |
Good-natured | Leather, Diamond, Iron, Obsidian, Steel, Egg | [Max Life +5%] [Item Cooldown -5%] | Paladin |
Gorilla's | Leather, Chest Loot | [ATK +5] [ATK +7%] [MATK +3] | Gorilla, Generated Chest, Gacha |
Grassland's | Chest Loot | [Max Stamina +10%] | Generated Chest, Gacha |
Great Winter's | Ice, Fang, Hard Talon, Ice Crystal of Fenrir | [ATK +35] [Movement Speed +5%] | Fenrir (Lvl. 90+), Generated Chest, Gacha |
Greedy | Fafnir's Reverse Scale, Platinum, Diamond, Amber, Cotton Canvas, Linen Wool, Black Powder | (Applied only to weapon slots) (Unstackable) [MATK +100] [Satiety Consume Rate +20%] [MATK increases by +70% of Mana] Living Tier.2 Lv.1 Bounty Hunter | Fafnir |
Griffin's | Griffon Feather, Feather, Talon, Greif-Seufzer I, Greif-Seufzer II, Greif-Seufzer III, Greif-Seufzer IV, Wirbelwind I, Wirbelwind II, Wirbelwind III, Wirbelwind IV, Griffon Wings, Poop, Chest Loot | [Max Mana +10] [Max Mana +5%] [Movement Speed +5%] [Price Rate +10%] | Griffon (Lvl. varies), Generated Chest, Gacha |
Guardian's | Magical Stone | [DEF +5%] [ATK increases by +5% of DEF] [MATK increases by +5% of DEF] | Bosses on Hell Map (Ancient Golem excluded) |
Guillotine's | Leather, Fang, Talon | [ATK +17] [Physical Critical Damage Rate +9%] [ASPD -2%] | Lizard Guillotine |
Gunslinger | Black Gunpowder, Hard Leather, Western Hat, Poop | [ATK +10] | Gunslinger |
Hailing Down | Feather, Steel, Old Rag | [DEF +10] [Max Life +10%] | Pekomet |
Half Moon | Fang, Talon, Leather, Egg, Poop | [Max Stamina -30] [Physical Critical Damage Rate +5%] [Physical Critical Chance +10%] | Werewolf (Lvl. 60-89) |
Half-dead | Fish, Chest Loot | [Max Life -5%] (Applied only to consumables) [Life Damage: 10] [Mana Damage: 50] [Satiety Damage: 10] | Fishing, Generated Chest, Gacha |
Hard | Chest Loot | [DEF +4] | Generated Chest |
Hard-headed | Chest Loot | [DEF +3] [DEF +5%] | Generated Chest, Gacha |
Hard-working | Chest Loot | [Stamina Regeneration +10%] | Generated Chest, Gacha |
Harrasing | Various | [Price Rate -50%] [Durability -10] | Skill "Contamination" |
Healer's | Bean Seed, Chest Loot | (Applied only to consumables) [Restore Life: 20] [Restore Mana: 20] [Restore Satiety: 20] | Goblin Healer, Generated Chest, Gacha |
Heavenly Fire | Amber, Black Powder, Diamond, Platinum, Cotton Canvas, Linen Wool, Fafnir's Reversed Scale | (Applied only to weapon slots) (Unstackable) [Max Life +500] [Mana Consume Rate 15%] [Physical Critical Chance +20%] Trick Tier. 1 Lv. 1 Aerial | Fafnir |
Hell's | Feather, Poop | [Max Life -10%] [Max Mana -10%] [Max Satiety -10%] (Applied only to consumables) [Effect Rate: -10%] | Hell Chicken |
Hereditary | Amber, Egg | [Max Life +20] [Magical Critical Damage Rate +5%] | Prince Mono, Generated Chest, Gacha |
Heretical | Bone, Crystal, Steel | [MATK +30] [MATK +5%] [Mana Consume Rate +10%] | Goblin Cardinal (Lvl. -59) |
Hermit's | Chest Loot | [ATK +1] | Generated Chest, Gacha |
Hero Killer's | Diamond, Platinum, Hydra's Reversed Scale, Rare Metals | [ATK +10%] [Physical Critical Chance +5%] | Hydra (Lvl. -89) |
Hidden | Iron, Leather, Talon, Egg, Poop | [Magical Critical Damage Rate +5%] [Movement Speed +5%] [ASPD +5%] | Kevin the robber (Lvl. 60-89) |
Hidden in Darkness | Iron, Poop | [MATK +25] [MATK +10%] [Magical Critical Damage Rate +5%] [Movement Speed +5%] [ASPD +5%] | Kevin the robber (Lvl. 90+) |
Hidden in Dim Light | Iron, Poop | [Magical Critical Damage Rate +2%] [Movement Speed +2%] [ASPD +1%] | Kevin the robber |
Hidden in Shadow | Iron, Poop | [Magical Critical Damage Rate +1%] [ASPD +1%] | Kevin the robber (Lvl. 1-29) |
Hollow Point | Western Hat | [ATK +20] [ATK +20%] | Gunslinger (Lvl. 90+) |
Holstein | Animal Flesh, Egg, Poop | (Applied only to consumables) [Life Damage: 10] | Holstein Cow, Wagyu Cow |
Horrendous | Executioner II, Executioner III | (Unstackable) [ATK +44] [ATK +44%] [Physical Critical Damage Rate -16%] [Life Restore Rate with Skills -16%] | Lizard Executioner (Lvl.90+) |
Horse's | Animal Flesh, Carrot, Leather, Chest Loot | [Max Stamina +5] [Movement Speed +5%] [Air Movement Speed -1%] | Horse, Generated Chest, Gacha |
Human's | Poop, Chest Loot | (Applied only on consumables) [Restore Life: 50] [Mana Damage: 50] [Restore Satiety: 30] | Player, Generated Chest, Gacha |
Hunter's | Mushroom, Seed Paddy, Chest Loot | [Physical Critical Damage Rate +8%] [Physical Critical Chance +8%] | Goblin Hunter, Generated Chest, Gacha |
Hunter's (2) | Chest Loot | [ATK +5] | Generated Chest, Gacha |
Hydra's | Diamond, Platinum, Obsidian, Hydra's Reversed Scale, Polluted Reversed Scale, Rare Metals, Chest Loot | [Max Life +10%] [Max Mana +5%] [Price Rate +20%] | Hydra, Generated Chest, Gacha |
III Omen | Hard Feather, Cotton Canvas, Diamond | (Applied only to Accessories) [Max Life -9%] [Pet's ATK+9%] [Pet's Critical Chance +9%] | Pekomet (Lvl. 60-89) |
Ice's | Chest Loot | [DEF +1] [Max Mana +10] | Generated Chest, Gacha |
Icifying | Fang, Hard Talon, Ice, Ice Crystal of Fenrir, Chest Loot | [ATK +20] [Movement Speed +3%] | Fenrir (Lvl. 60-89), Generated Chest, Gacha |
Illuminating | Pumpkin Crumb, Charcoal, Elemental Dust, Poop, Chest Loot | [MATK +5] [Magical Critical Damage Rate +5%] | Jack O' Lantern (Lvl. 90+), Generated Chest, Gacha |
Immortal | Adamantite, Bone, Fang, Iron, Horn, Bone Dragon's Shield IV, Bone Lizard's Shield IV | (Applied only to shields) [DEF +10] [DEF +10%] [ATK increases by +150% of DEF] [MATK increases by +150% of DEF] | Bone Dragon (Lvl. 90+) |
Inbreed | Carrot, Leather, Animal Flesh, Chest Loot | [Stamina Consume Rate -2%] [Movement Speed +2%] | Horse, Generated Chest |
Incinerating | Amber, Platinum, Diamond, Fafnir's Reverse Scale, Linen Wool, Cotton Canvas, Black Powder | (Applied only to weapon slots) (Unstackable) [ATK +10%] [Physical Critical Damage Rate +15%] [Increase Melee Skill Damage Dealt +10%] Combat Tier. 4 Lv. 1 Wrath | Fafnir |
Indigo Flame | Grim Reaper IV | [MATK +666] [Mana Consume Rate +200%] [Mana Regeneration -20%] | Messenger of the gods (Lvl. 90+) |
Indomitable | Bargain Armor Parts, Diamond, Platinum, Obsidian | (Unstackable) [DEF +25] [DEF -30%] [ATK increases by +100% of DEF] [MATK increases by +100% of DEF] | Bone Dragon (Lvl. varies) |
Innocent | Feather, Fish Fillet, Poop | [ATK -20%] Combat Tier.4 Lv.1 Backstab | Penguin (Lvl. 30+) |
Insightful | Bone, Fang | [DEF -5] [MATK +15] [Magical Critical Chance +5%] | Cyclops (Lvl. 60-89), Generated Chest, Gacha |
Intelligent | Leather, Banana Peel, Poop | [DEF +12] [Max Mana +5%] [ASPD -2%] | Gorilla (Lvl. 60-89) |
Intermediate Endurance Trial's | Egg, Poop | [Max Life -75%] | Dark Anubis (Lvl. 30-59) |
Intermediate Guard Trial's | Egg, Poop | [DEF -75%] | Dark Anubis (Lvl. 30-59) |
Iron Stinger's | Shell, Poop | [Physical Critical Damage Rate +7%] [Physical Critical Chance -5%] | Killer Bee (Lvl. 30-59), Generated Chest, Gacha |
Iron's | Chest Loot | [DEF +2] [Max Life +20] [Movement Speed -5%] [Air Movement Speed -5%] [ASPD -5%] | Generated Chest, Gacha |
Jack O' Lantern's | Pumpkin Crumb, Charcoal, Elemental Dust, Poop | [MATK +15] [Magical Critical Chance +1%] | Jack O' Lantern, Generated Chest |
Jersey | Animal Flesh, Egg, Poop | [ATK +5] (Applied only to consumables) [Restore Satiety: 4] | Cow (Lvl. 30-59) |
Joining Group | Fang, Leather | [Max Mana -2%] [Physical Critical Damage Rate +6%] | Werewolf (drops from individual pets only) |
Juvenile | Feather, Ash, Poop | [Max Stamina +8%] [Statiety Consume Rate +3%] | Phoechick (Lvl. 60-89) |
Karmic | Heated Mineral | [ATK +10%] [DEF -15%] [MATK +10%] | Mob Drop |